Jason Haar
2013-04-23 00:54:20 UTC
The ANY query works around a BIND bug that was fixed 15 years ago
(really, in about 1998) so I encourage everyone to use this patch to
http://www.memoryhole.net/qmail/any-to-cname.patch R's, John
[cross-posted from djbdns list](really, in about 1998) so I encourage everyone to use this patch to
http://www.memoryhole.net/qmail/any-to-cname.patch R's, John
Not to contradict DJB, but it does look like all the ANY query does it
try to see if there is a CNAME for the canonicalized host. So doing an
actual CNAME does sound more appropriate. Am I missing anything?
Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +1 408 481 8171
PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1
Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +1 408 481 8171
PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1